GreenLab Amap

   Modelling Plant Development & Growth

Publications prior to GreenLab Amap

2010-2000 Publication List HAL-INRIA
       (EPI DigiPlante and GreenLab-LIAMA)

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  GreenLab Amap Publications. (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) (2010) (All)

Articles in peer-reviewed journal                         Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------
Taugourdeau, O., Caraglio, Y., Sabatier, S., Guédon, Y., 2015. Characterizing the respective importance of ontogeny and environmental constraints in forest tree development using growth phase duration distributions. Ecological Modelling, 300 : pp. 61-72

---------- 2014 ----------
Chew, Y. H., Wenden, B., Fils, A., Mengin, V., Taylor, J., Davey, C. L., Tindal, C., Thomas, H., Ougham, H. J., de Reffye, P., Stitt, M., Williams, H., Muetzelfeldt, R., Haliday, K. J., Milar, A. J., 2014. Multiscale digital Arabidopsis predicts individual organ and whole-organism growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (39) : E4127-E4136.

Feng, L. , Mailhol, J. C. , Rey, H., Griffon, S., Auclair, D., de Reffye, P., 2014. Comparing an empirical crop model with a functional structural plant model to account for individual variability. European Journal of Agronomy, 53 (1) : 16-27.

Guilhem Brunel, Philippe Borianne, Gérard Subsol, Marc Jaeger, Yves Caraglio., 2014. Automatic Identification and Characterization of Radial File in Light Microscopic Images of Wood. Annals of Botany, 114 (4), pp. 829-840

Wang, X. J., Mathieu, A., Cournède, P. H., de Reffye, P., 2014. Application of a probabilistic model for analysing the abortion of seeds and pods in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Annals of Applied Biology, 165 (3) : 414-428

---------- 2013 ----------
Feng, L., Mailhol, J.-C., Rey, H., Griffon, S., Auclair, D., De Reffye, P., 2013. Comparing an empirical crop model with a functional structural plant model to account for individual variability. In: The European Journal of Agronomy, No 53, 2014, pp. 16-27. Url:

Andrianasolo, D., Davis, A. P., Razafinarivo, N. J., Hamon, S., Rakotomalala, J. J. , Sabatier, S., Hamon, P., 2013. High genetic diversity of in situ and ex situ populations of Madagascar coffee species: further implications for the management of coffee genetic resources. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 9 (5) : pp. 1295-1312

---------- 2012 ----------
Kang, M., Heuvelink, E., Carvalho, S. M. P. and de Reffye, P. A virtual plant that responds to the environment like a real one: the case for chrysanthemum. New Phytologist, 195: pp. 384-395. Doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04177.x Url:

L. Wu, F.-X. Le Dimet, P. de Reffye, B.-G. Hu, P.-H. Cournède and M.-Z. Kang. An optimal control methodology for plant growth. Case study of a water supply problem of sunflower. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 82, Issue 5, January 2012, pp. 909-923, ISSN 0378-4754, 10.1016/j.matcom.2011.12.007. Url:

Jun Diao, Philippe De Reffye, Xiangdong Lei, Hong Guo, Véronique Letort. Simulation of the topological development of young eucalyptus using a stochastic model and sampling measurement strategy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 80, January 2012, pp. 105-114, ISSN 0168-1699, 10.1016/j.compag.2011.10.019. Url:

Wang F, Letort V, Lu Q, Bai X, Guo Y, et al. A Functional and Structural Mongolian Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) Model Integrating Architecture, Biomass and Effects of Precipitation. 2012. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43531. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043531 Url:

---------- 2011 ----------
Yan Guo, Thierry Fourcaud, Marc Jaeger, Xiaopeng Zhang, Baoguo Li. Plant growth and architectural modelling and its applications, 2011. April 1st, 2011 Annals of Botany. Vol 107, No 5, pp. 723-727. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcr073 Url:

Haiwen Wu,Marc Jaeger, Mao Wang, Baoguo Li, and Bao Gui Zhang, 2011. Three-dimensional distribution ofvessels, passage cells and lateral roots along the root axis of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) April 1st, 2011. Annals of Botany. Vol 107, No 5, pp. 843-853. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcr005 Url:

Cournède, P. H., Letort, V., Mathieu, A., Kang, M. Z., Lemaire, S., Trevezas, S., Houllier, F., de Reffye, P. Some parameter estimation issues in functional-structural plant modelling. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena. 2011, 6 (2), pp. 133-159 Doi:10.1051/mmnp/20116205 Url:

Alexandra Jullien, Amélie Mathieu, Jean-Michel Allirand, Amélie Pinet, Philippe de Reffye, Paul-Henry Cournède, and Bertrand Ney. Characterization of the interactions between architecture and source-sink relationships in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) using the GreenLab model Ann Bot (2011) 107(5): 765-779 first published online October 27, 2010. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcq205 Url:

Feng Wang, Mengzhen Kang, Qi Lu, Véronique Letort, Hui Han, Yan Guo, Philippe de Reffye, and Baoguo Li. A stochastic model of tree architecture and biomass partitioning: application to Mongolian Scots pines Ann Bot (2011) 107(5): 781-792 first published online Nov. 8, 2010. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcq218 Url:

Xiujuan Wang, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jean-Michel Allirand, Alexandra Jullien, Philippe de Reffye, Bao Gui Zhang, Variability and regulation of the number of ovules, seeds and pods according to assimilate availability in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), Field Crops Research, Volume 122, Issue 1, 28 April 2011, Pages 60-69, ISSN 0378-4290, Doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2011.02.008 Url:

Y. T. Ma, A. M. Wubs, A. Mathieu, E. Heuvelink, J. Y. Zhu, B. G. Hu, P. H. Cournède, and P. de Reffye. Simulation of fruit-set and trophic competition and optimization of yield advantages in six Capsicum cultivars using functional-structural plant modelling Ann Bot (2011) 107(5): 793-803 first published online November 22, 2010. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcq223 Url:

MengZhen Kang, LiLi Yang, BaoGui Zhang, and Philippe de Reffye. Correlation between dynamic tomato fruit-set and source-sink ratio: a common relationship for different plant densities and seasons? Ann Bot (2011) 107(5): 805-815 first published online December 23, 2010. Doi:10.1093/aob/mcq244 Url:

Philippe De Reffye, Mengzhen Kang, Jing Hua, Daniel Auclair. Stochastic modelling of tree annual shoot dynamics. 2011. Annals of Forest. Springer Paris. pp 1-13. Doi:10.1007/s13595-011-0151-6 Url:

Véronique Letort, Patrick Heuret, Paul-Camilo Zalamea, Philippe De Reffye, Eric Nicolini. Analysing the effects of local environment on the source-sink balance of Cecropia sciadophylla: a methodological approach based on model inversion. 2011. Annals of Forest Sciences. Springer Paris. Issn: 1286-4560.  pp. 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s13595-011-0131-x Url:

Lu Feng, Philippe De Reffye, Philippe Dreyfus, Daniel Auclair. Connecting an architectural plant model to a forest stand dynamics model - application to Austrian black pine stand visualization. 2011. Annals of Forest Sciences. Springer Paris. Issn: 1286-4560. pp. 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s13595-011-0144-5 Url:

---------- 2010 ----------
QingQiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gang Yang, Marc Jaeger. Multiresolution foliage for forest rendering, in COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS, 2010, Vol. 21, No 1, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1-23

Rui Qi, Yuntao Ma, Baogang Hu, Philippe de Reffye, and Paul-Henry Cournède. 2010. Optimization of source-sink dynamics in plant growth for ideotype breeding: A case study on maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 71, 1 (April 2010), pp. 96-105. Doi:10.1016/j.compag.2009.12.008 Url:

Peer-reviewed conferences                                  Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------
Brunel, G., Borianne, P., Subsol, G., Jaeger, M., 2013. Simple-graphs fusion in image mosaic. Application to automated cell files identification in wood slices. In Kämäräinen, J. K., Koskela, M. (Eds) Image analysis : 18th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2013, Espoo, Finland, June 17-20, 2013. Proceedings. Berlin : Springer Verlag, 34-43 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. Lecture notes in computer science).

Feng, L. , Rey, H., Mailhol, J. C. , Kang, M., de Reffye, P., 2013. Concept and calibration of virtual wheat including stochastic tillering. In Nikinmaa, E., Nygren, P., Sievänen, R., Godin, C., Lintunen, A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional Structural Plant Models, Saariselka, Finland, 9-14 June 2013. Vantaa : Finnish Society of Forest Science, 279-281 p.

Taugourdeau, O., Delagrange, S., de Reffye, P., Messier, C., 2013. Modelling sugar maple development along its whole ontogeny: modelling hypotheses and calibration methodology. In Nikinmaa, E., Nygren, P., Sievänen, R., Godin, C., Lintunen, A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional Structural Plant Models, Saariselka, Finland, 9 14 June 2013. Saariselka, Finlande : Finnish Society of Forest Science, 234-236 p.

Wang, X., Kang, M. Z., Yang, L., Zhang, B. G., de Reffye, P., 2013. Analysis of hybrid vigor for cucumber with Functional-Structural plant model Greenlab . In Nikinmaa, E., Nygren, P., Sievänen, R., Godin, C., Lintunen, A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional Structural Plant Models, Saariselka, Finland, 9 14 June 2013. Vantaa : Finnish Society of Forest Science, 332-334 p.

Brunel, G., Borianne, P., Subsol, G., Jaeger, M., Caraglio, Y., 2013. Defining reliability coefficients in an automated method of identification and characterization of radial files in microscopic images of gymnosperms. In Nikinmaa, E., Nygren, P., Sievänen, R., Godin, C., Lintunen, A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional Structural Plant Models, Saariselka, Finland, 9 14 June 2013. Vantaa, Finlande : Finnish Society of Forest Science, 82-84 p.

---------- 2012 ----------
Véronique Letort, Sylvie Sabatier, Sélastique Akaffou, Serge Hamon, Perla Hamon and Philippe de Reffye. Interspecific variability of biomass production of young Coffea: no influence of branch pruning. Experimental evidence and theoretical analysis. In: Proceedings of Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12), Shanghai, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2012. IEEE press, ISBN 978-1-4673-0070-4, pp. 224-227

Marc Jaeger. Enhancing computer generated natural scenes using quick and dirty image based recipes. In: Proceedings of Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12), Shanghai, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2012. IEEE press, ISBN 978-1-4673-0070-4, pp. 164-171

Hong Guo, Véronique Letort, Yuanchang Lu, Philippe de Reffye and Jun Diao. Source-sink relationships vary with age in Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.): analysis using the GreenLab model. In: Proceedings of Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12), Shanghai, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2012. IEEE press, ISBN 978-1-4673-0070-4, pp. 148-151

---------- 2011 ----------
Guanbo Bao, Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che, Marc Jaeger, 2011. Realistic Real-time Renderingfor Large-scale Forest Scenes. 1st International Symposium on VR innovation (ISVRI) 19-20 March, 2011,Singapore. pp 217-223. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0055-2. Url:

Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Marc Jaeger, Thiéry Constant. Segmentation of Forest Terrain Laser Scan Data. VRCAI '10: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry,Seoul, South Korea, 2010, Dec. 12-13. ACM New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0459-7, pp. 47-54. Url:

Fourcaud, T., Guillon, T., Dumont, Y., 2011. Biomechanics of growing trees: Mathematical model, numerical resolution and perspectives. In Simos, T., Psihoyios, G., Tsitouras, C., Anastassi, Z. (Eds) Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Haldiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Haldiki : American Institute of Physics, 734-737 p. (AIP conference proceedings. Volume A). Doi:10.1063/1.3636836 Url:

Hua, J., Kang, M. Z., de Reffye, P., 2011. Modeling annual tree development and growth. In Simos, T., Psihoyios, G., Tsitouras, C., Anastassi, Z. (Eds) Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Haldiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Haldiki : American Institute of Physics, 722-725 p. (AIP conference proceedings. Volume A). Doi:10.1063/1.3636833 Url:

Jing HUA, MengZhen KANG and Philippe de Reffye. An Interactive Plant Pruning System Based on GreenLab Model: Implementation and Case Study. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 10-12 June 2011 IEEE pp. 185-188. Url: Doi:10.1109/CSAE.2011.5952830

---------- 2010 ----------
Feng, L. , Mailhol, J. C. , Rey, H., Griffon, S., Auclair, D., de Reffye, P., 2010. Combining a process based model with a functional structural plant model for production partitioning and visualization. Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). S. l. : 41-43.6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM), 12-17/09/2010, University of California Davis, USA.

Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Marc Jaeger, Thiéry Constant. Segmentation of Forest Terrain Laser Scan Data. VRCAI '10: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry,Seoul, South Korea, 2010, Dec. 12-13. ACM New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0459-7, pp. 47-54. Url:

Marc Jaeger, Ruoxi Sun, Jinyuan Jia, Vincent Le Chevalier. Efficient virtual plant data structure for visualization and animation. In: Proceedings of IADIS International Conferences Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2010, MCCSIS 2010 Freiburg, Germany, July 27-29, ISBN 978-972-8939-22-9, 2010 IADIS, pp. 65-75

Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger. Bottom-up approach of landscape simulation leading to a generic synchronization. LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, February 3-5, 2010, France, ISBN 978-2-7592-0859-3, Quae editions, 8 p.

Marc Jaeger, Jinyuan Jia, Xiaopeng Zhang, Sebastien Griffon. VR Web based tree and vegetation representations for environmental applications and studies, an example on ChongMing Island. LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, February 3-5, 2010, France, ISBN 978-2-7592-0859-3, Quae editions, 8 p. Url:

de Reffye, P., Lemaire, S., Srivastava, N., Maupas, F., Cournède, P. H., 2010. Modeling inter-individual variability in sugar beet population. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China.S. l. : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 270-276

Guo, H., Letort, V., Lei, X. D., Lu, Y. C., de Reffye, P., 2010. Applying greenLab model to adult chinese pine trees with topology simplification. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58-61

Jullien, A., Mathieu, A., Allirand, J. M., Pinet, A., de Reffye, P., Ney, B., Cournède, P. H., 2010. Modelling of branch and flower expansion in GreenLab model to account for the whole crop cycle of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 167-174

Kang, M. Z., de Reffye, P., Heuvelink, E., 2010. Modelling growth of inflorescence. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 311-310

Lemaire, S., Maupas, F., Cournède, P. H., Allirand, J. M., de Reffye, P., Ney, B., 2010. Analysis of the Density Effects on the Source-sink Dynamics in Sugar-Beet Growth. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 285-292

Letort, V., Cournède, P. H., de Reffye, P., 2010. Impact of topology on plant functioning: a theoretical analysis based on the GreenLab model equation. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamistos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 341-348

Letort, V., Heuret, P., Zalamea, P. C., Nicolini, E., de Reffye, P., 2010. Analysis of cecropia sciadophylla morphogenesis based on sink-source dynamic model. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 10-17

Li, D., Letort, V., de Reffye, P., Zhan, Z. G., 2010. Modeling branching effects on source-sink relationships of the cotton plant. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 293-302

Qi, R., Cournède, P. H., de Reffye, P., 2010. Tri-trophic ecosystem oil-palm-pest-parasites. II. Sensitivity analysis, parameter identification and control. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamistos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 327-333

Wang, F., Kang, M. Z., Lu, Q., Han, H., Letort, V., Guo, Y., de Reffye, P., Li, B., 2010. Calibration of topological development in the procedure of parametric identification: application to the stochastic GreenLab model for Pinus Sylvestris var. Mongolica. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 26-33

Wang, X., Mathieu, A., Cournède, P. H., Allirand, J. M., Alexandra, J., de Reffye, P., Zhang, B. G., 2010. Stochastic models in floral biology and application of the study of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) fertility. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamistos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 175-182

Zhang, B. G., Kang, M. Z., Letort, V., Wang, X. J., de Reffye, P., 2010. Comparison between empirical and functional sinks of organs - Application on tomato plant. In Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds) The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA 09), 9-13 november 2009, Beijing, China. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 191-197

Paul-Henry Cournède, Thomas Guyard, Benoît Bayol, Sébastien Griffon, François de Coligny, Philippe Borianne, Marc Jaeger and Philippe de Reffye. A Forest Growth Simulator Based on Functional-Structural Modelling of Individual Trees. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 34-41

Guanbo Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che and Marc Jaeger. Billboards for Tree Simplification and Real-time Forest Rendering. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 433-440

Chao Zhu, Xiaopeng Zhang and Marc Jaeger. New Method for Construction of Tree Crown from Scanned Data. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 352-359

Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger and Paul-Henry Cournède. Synchronisation Formalism, Resource and Plant Models for Plant Ecosystem Simulation. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 277-284

Haiwen Wu, Marc Jaeger, Mao Wang, Baoguo Li and Baogui Zhang. 3D-Reconstruction and Visualization of Xylem Vessels of Wheat Nodal Root. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 384-390

Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che and Marc Jaeger. Smooth Transition between Different Plant Leaves Models. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 376-383

Books and book chapters                                       Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------
de Reffye, P., Jaeger, M., 2013. Modèles mathématiques du développement et de la croissance de l'architecture des plantes. Le cas du modèle GreenLab. In Varenne, F., Silberstein, M. (Eds) Modéliser et simuler. Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation. Tome 1. Paris : Editions Matériologiques(Sciences et Philosophie, vol. Sciences et Philosophie).

---------- 2012 ----------

---------- 2011 ----------
Dumont, Y., 2011. Preface of the Symposium 'Plant Growth Modeling: Theory and Applications'. In Simos, T., Psihoyios, G., Tsitouras, C., Anastassi, Z. (Eds) Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Haldiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Haldiki : American Institute of Physics, 721 p. AIP conference proceedings. Volume A, Volume 1389, pp. 721-721 (2011). Doi:10.1063/1.3636832 Url:

---------- 2010 ----------
Baoguo Li, Marc Jaeger and Yan Guo(Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, 454 p. Url:

Jean-Christophe Fabre, Marc Jaeger, Xavier Louchart, Jean-Pierre Muller. Proceedings of LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, February 3-5, 2010, France, ISBN 978-2-7592-0859-3, Quae editions,

Lecoustre R., Griffon S., Jaeger M., Elhoumaizi M.A. 2010. Modélisation de l'architecture et de la croissance des Arecaceae. In : Aberlenc-Bertossi Frédérique (ed.). Biotechnologies du palmier dattier. Paris : IRD [Paris], p. 157-160 Séminaire du réseau AUF-BIOVEG "Biotechnologies du palmier dattier". 3, 2008-11-18/2008-11-20, Montpellier, France.

PhD thesis                                                              Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------
Guilhem Brunel. Caractérisation automatique d'organisations cellulaires dans des mosaïques d'images microscopiques de bois. Application à l'identification des files cellulaires. PhD report, 2014, October, Bioinformatics. Université de Montpellier II. Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2014. 84p. (French)

---------- 2013 ----------

---------- 2012 ----------

---------- 2011 ----------
Feng Lu. Connection between plant community dynamics models and architectural-functional plant models - the GreenLab case. November, 17th, 2011. PhD thesis . University of Montpellier 2.

HongJun LI. Retrieving tree geometry from laser scans. November, 29th, 2011. PhD Thesis. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation,China

Hua Jing. Implementing GreenLab appraoches. The QingHuan simulator. November, 30th, 2011. PhD Thesis. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, China

---------- 2010 ----------

Software Licences                                                  Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------

---------- 2012 ----------
QIZPP (Qt Image Zbuffer Post Processing). Inter Deposit Digital Number registration at Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (APP) under number no: IDDN.FR.001.260004.000.R.P.2012.000.21000. Owner: CIRAD (member 88.75.673). June 25th, 2012.

---------- 2011 ----------
GLOUPS. Inter Deposit Digital Number (IDDN) registration at Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (APP) under number no: IDDN.FR.001.210033.000.R.P.2011.000.30010. Owner: CIRAD (member 88.75.673). Logibox : 66948, May 27th, 2011.

---------- 2010 ----------

Oral Communications                                            Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------
Marc Jaeger. Développements algorithmiques au LIAMA et à AMAP. Communication aux Journées de restitution de l'ANR EMERGE. Inra Champenoux, 18-19 septembre 2013.

Marc Jaeger. Quelques développements algorithmiques autour d'acquisitions T-Lidar de scènes végétales. Applications en synthèse et en foresterie. Communication à l'atelier T-LiDAR pour la communauté francophone. Utilisation du système LiDAR terrestre en écologie forestière. Quatrième édition - 8 Octobre 2013. Université de Marseille

---------- 2012 ----------
Marc Jaeger: Landscape visualization: walking through space and time. Towards simulation of landscape dynamics. RegioResources 21 -A cross-disciplinary dialogue on sustainable development of regional resources . May 21-23, 2012 - Dresden (Germany) Url:

Marc Jaeger. La modélisation et la simulation de la croissance des plantes. D'un systàme dynamique à un système complexe. Journées du RNSC en languedoc-Roussilon 2-6 Octobre 2012. Conférence de Montpellier le 2 octobre 2012 Url:

---------- 2011 ----------
Dumont, Y., 2011. An overview on mathematical plant modeling and applications. BIOMATH 2011. Sofia, Bulgarie : BIOMATH 2011, June, 15-18, 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Andrianasolo D, de Reffye P, Rakotomalala JJ, Hamon P, Letort V, Sabatier S. Plant architectural and genetic diversities in Coffea native from Madagascar: Toward an architectural-functionnal plant growth model applied to Coffea biodiversity preservation. 18th International Botanical Congress - Melbourne Australia. July, 23-30, 2011.

Philippe de Reffye.  Oral communication to "Etats généraux de l'arbre". Brives (France), October, 1-2, 2011.

Griffon, S., 2011. AMAP-Studio. Communication and demonstration to the 1st French-Brazilian FSPM meeting. Oct. , 24-27 2011, Campaninas, Brasil.

Rey, H., 2011. The "GreenLab" FSPM for studying the biomass partitioning of carbohydrates between plant sinks. Communication to the 1st French-Brazilian FSPM meeting. Oct. , 24-27 2011, Campaninas, Brasil.

---------- 2010 ----------

Reports                                                                  Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------

---------- 2012 ----------

---------- 2011 ----------
Picard, C., 2011. Modélisation de l'architecture des plantes via le modèle GreenLab : application à de jeunes sapins Abies alba. Mémoire de Master 1 (Modélisation des systèmes). Rennes (France) September, 2011, 19 p.

---------- 2010 ----------

Others                                                                    Goto: Top | Article | Conference | Book | PhD | Licence | Oral Com | Report | Other

---------- 2015 ----------
Jaeger, M., de Reffye, P., Sabatier, S., Letort - le Chevalier V., Heuvelink, E., Caraglio, Y., Motisi, N., Krit, H., Laffont, M.-H., Zhang, B.-G. 2015. Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. A set of e-learning resources. UVED 2015. Url:

Sabatier, S., Jaeger, M., Caraglio, Y. 2015. Botany. Architectural Analysis. A teaching module from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

Heuvelink, E., de Reffye, P., Zhang, B.-G.,Jaeger, M. 2015. Plant eco-physiology for crop models. A teaching module from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

Letort - le Chevalier V., Jaeger, M. 2015. Mathematical elements for plant and crop modelling. A teaching module from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

Heuvelink, E., Jaeger, M., de Reffye, P. 2015. Plant and crop models. A teaching module from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

Jaeger, M. 2015. Tools for plant and crop modelling. A numerical resource set from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

de Reffye, P., Jaeger, M. 2015. GreenLab model overview. A teaching module from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

de Reffye, P., Jaeger, M., Sabatier, S., Letort - le Chevalier V., Heuvelink, E., Motisi, N., Zhang, B.-G. 2015. GreenLab courses. A teaching module (4 chapters -Principles, -Development, -Production, -Applications) from : Plant growth architecture and production dynamics. UVED 2015. Url:

---------- 2014 ----------

---------- 2013 ----------
Deleuze, C., Constant, T., Saint-André, L., Bouvet, A., Morneau, F. , Colin, F., Vallet, P., Gauthier, A. , Jaeger, M., 2013. Le projet EMERGE pour les tarifs cohérents de volumes et biomasses des essences forestières françaises métropolitaines. Rendez-vous Techniques, (39) : 32-36.

---------- 2012 ----------

---------- 2011 ----------

---------- 2010 ----------
Marc Jaeger. Représenter et visualiser les objets naturels biologiques. De la plante au paysage. Habilitation à diriger les Recherches. Discipline Informatique. Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II. December 2010, 151 p. Url: