Main research and development topics
Computer graphics (Natural Phenomena).
- Level of Detail, level of vision BREP geometrical models (ramified objects and spare objects).
- Fast rendering of natural complex scenes.
- Ramified object encoding in voxel space .
- Landscape simulations (water cycle and plant functional simulations).
- Volume rendering and reconstruction. Solid characterisation, statistical analysis (past activities).
Applications (Software developments in the frame of GreenLab, Digiplante and Amap projects)
- Simulated Plants, Stand, crops, landscape simulation and visualisation
- Rendering and natural phenomena effects on landscape scenes (shadows, fog, snow,…)
- Landscape evolution simulation, based on vegetation growth and water cycle simulation.
- 3D image reconstruction and analysis of vegetal tissues (roots) from microscopic slices.
Latests Publications
- QingQiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gang Yang, Marc Jaeger. Multiresolution foliage for forest rendering, in COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS, 2010, Vol. 21, No 1, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1-23
- Xiaopeng Zhang, Jianfei Liu, Marc Jaeger and Zili Li. Volume Decomposition and Hierarchical Skeletonization. The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2009, Vol 8, no. 1, p. 79-80
- Jun Teng, Marc Jaeger and Baogang Hu. A Fast Ambient Occlusion Method for Real-Time Plant Rendering. Journal of Computer Sciences and Technology vol. 22, no. 6, 2007, p. 859-866
- Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger, Xing Mei, Paul-Henry Cournède. Simulation and Visualisation of Functional Landscapes: Effects of the Water Resource Competition between Plants. Journal of Computer Sciences and Technology. vol. 22, no. 6, 2007, p. 835-845
- Changzhu Jin, Russell L. Ciochon, Wei Dong,Robert M. Hunt, Jr, Jinyi Liu, Marc Jaeger, and Qizhi Zhu. 2007. The first skull of the earliest giant panda. PNAS, June 26, 2007, vol. 104, no. 26, p. 10932-10937
Book Chapter.
- Xiaopeng Zhang, Bo Xiang, Wujun Che, Marc Jaeger. Volume Decomposition and Hierarchical Skeletonization for Shape Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Peng-Yeng Yin (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-014-8, INTECH,
- P. de Reffye, D. Barthélémy, P.-H. Cournàde, and M. Jaeger. Modélisation et
simulation de l'architecture et de la production végétales. In F. Hallé, Aux origines des plantes. Fayard, 2008
Conferences (international with proceedings)
- Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Marc Jaeger, Thiéry Constant. Segmentation of Forest Terrain Laser Scan Data. Accepted to VRCAI 2010, The ACM SIGGRAPH Sponsored 9th International Conference on VRCAI (VR Continuum and Its Applications in Industry) Dec. 12-13, 2010, Seoul,Korea
- Marc Jaeger, Ruoxi Sun, Jinyuan Jia, Vincent Le Chevalier. Efficient virtual plant data structure for visualization and animation. In: Proceedings of IADIS International Conferences Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2010, MCCSIS 2010 Freiburg, Germany, July 27-29, ISBN 978-972-8939-22-9, 2010 IADIS, pp. 65-75
- Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger. Bottom-up approach of landscape simulation leading to a generic synchronization. LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, February 3-5, 2010, France, ISBN 978-2-7592-0859-3, Quae editions, 8 p.
- Marc Jaeger, Jinyuan Jia, Xiaopeng Zhang, Sebastien Griffon. VR Web based tree and vegetation representations for environmental applications and studies, an example on ChongMing Island. LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, February 3-5, 2010, France, ISBN 978-2-7592-0859-3, Quae editions, 8 p.
- Ruoxi Sun, Jinyuan Jia, Hongyu Li, Marc Jaeger. Image-based Lightweight Tree Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in industry (Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 15, 2009). S. N. Spencer, Ed. VRCAI '09. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 17-22
- Ruoxi Sun, Jinyuan Jia and Marc Jaeger, "Intelligent Tree Modeling Based on L-system". IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design, 2009. November 26-29, 2009, Wenzhou, China.
ISBN: 978-1-4244-5266-8; pp. 1096 - 1100, DOI: 10.1109/CAIDCD.2009.5375256
- Xiaojuan Ning, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yinghui Wang, Marc Jaeger. 2009. Segmentation of architecture shape information from 3D point cloud. In Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in industry (Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 15, 2009). S. N. Spencer, Ed. VRCAI '09. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 127-132
- Paul-Henry Cournède, Thomas Guyard, Benoît Bayol, Sébastien Griffon, François de Coligny, Philippe Borianne, Marc Jaeger and Philippe de Reffye. A Forest Growth Simulator Based on Functional-Structural Modelling of Individual Trees. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 34-41
- Guanbo Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che and Marc Jaeger. Billboards for Tree Simplification and Real-time Forest Rendering. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 433-440
- Chao Zhu, Xiaopeng Zhang and Marc Jaeger. New Method for Construction of Tree Crown from Scanned Data. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 352-359
- Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger and Paul-Henry Cournède. Synchronisation Formalism, Resource and Plant Models for Plant Ecosystem Simulation. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 277-284
- Haiwen Wu, Marc Jaeger, Mao Wang, Baoguo Li and Baogui Zhang. 3D-Reconstruction and Visualization of Xylem Vessels of Wheat Nodal Root. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 384-390
- Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che and Marc Jaeger. Smooth Transition between Different Plant Leaves Models. In: Li, B. and Jaeger, M. and Guo, Y. (Eds). 2010. Proceedings of Plant growth Modeling, and their Applications (PMA09), Beijiing, China, November 9-13, 2009, IEEE CPS, pp. 376-383
- Dec. 2010: (to come) Habilitation a diriger des Recherches. University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
- Dec. 1987: PhD thesis in Computer Science, University of Strasbourg.
- Sep. 1985: D.E.A. (master degree) in Computer Science, University of Strasbourg.
- June 1984: Master in Computer Sciences applied to Management (MIAGE, MST), Uni. of Mulhouse.
- June 1980: Baccalauréat C (Mathematics), Lycée Bartholdi, Colmar.
Past positions
- Nov. 2006 - Nov. 2008: Enginneer Specialist at INRIA Saclay, EPI DigiPlante Team (INRIA / Ecole Centrale Paris CIRAD).
- July 2006 - Oct. 2006: Senior Researcher at CIRAD-AMAP (UMR BBAP, Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Montpellier Univ. II/ IRD)
- Jan. 2002 - Jan. 2006: French Director of LIAMA (Beijing - PR CHINA).
- Jan. 2002 - June 2006: Guest Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing Information Sciences and Technology Graduate School (Master level).
- Aug. 2001 - July 2006: Senior Researcher in LIAMA (Beijing - PR CHINA).
- June 1999 - July 2001: Scientific Direction of CIRAD. Research co-ordinator in charge of Applied Mathematics and Computer sciences.
- Jan. 1991 - June 1999: CIRAD/AMAP: Head of the MEB-C2000 Team (Volume imaging: with medical, forestry, agro-production applications).
- Jan. 1989 - Dec 1990: Research Engineer at CIRAD-AMAP. Plants simulation and landscape design and visualisation.
- Jan. 1988 - Dec 1988: National service. EELAT helicopter school. Analysis/Development of E-learning and 3D simulators systems.
- Feb. 1984 - Dec 1987: Research fellowship at CIRAD (plant growth simulation and visualisation, Master/PhD).
- Jan. 1983 - Sep. 1983: IS in Management: Analyse, conception and development Beghin Say SA. (extended MST Master internship)
Teaching activities.
- 2002 -> 2006. Computer Graphics and applications in life sciences. Master Course. CAS. IST Graduate School. Beijing. Contents: Elements of computer graphics: 28 hours (12 hours practice); Natural phenomena. 6 hours (3 hours practice); Volume imaging. 6 hours (3 hours practice).
- 2003,2004. Basic Elements of Computer Graphics. Natural Phenomena, virtual plants and Landscapes. Ecole Centrale de Paris, 6 hours.
- 2001. Symposium Workshop ("Ecole chercheur INRA-CIRAD"). An introduction to Volumic imaging and its applications. June 2001, 25-28th. Montpellier.
- 1997->2001 Computer graphics. Basic elements of C.G. 40 hours course. EMA/ EERIE Institute (Ecole pour les Etudes et la Recherche en Informatique et Electronique de Nîmes, Ecole des Mines d'Alès). CG Modelling, Visualisation, Rendering, Animation.
- 1998, 1999, 2000. Conferences on "Modelling and visualisation of Natural Phenomena" at LIGIM (Laboratoire d'Informatique Graphique et d'Imagerie Numérique de l'Université Claude Bernard à Lyon), LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Micro-électronique de Montpellier, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc).
- 1995,1999. Conferences on Medical Imaging and its applications for Biometry, geometrical modelling, Computer prosthesis design at Faculty of Medecine of Montpellier and Faculty of Dentistry of Toulouse
Ph.D. Students
- Vincent le Chevalier, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Functional Landscapes (Plant and crops models in interaction with water cycle models). 2006-2010;
- Heaven WU, China Agricultural University (CAU), 3D reconstruction of wheat roots from microsopic slices, 2005-2009.
- QingQiong Deng, CASIA, Virtual plant foliage LOD and multiresolution models, 2004-2008.
- Chao Zhu, CASIA, Defining plant and tree geometry from their production equations, 2005->
- Mei Xing, CASIA, Landscape visualisation and rendering, 2004-2006;
- Teng Jun, CASIA, GPU based Multilevel Plants and tree visualisation, 2002-2007.
- ZhiFeng Cai, CASIA, Image Registration with non linear elastic models, 2000-2004.
- Stéphane Chemouny, Univ. Montpellier II, 3D non linear image filtering, 1997-2001.
- Frédéric Banégas, Ecole des Mines de St Etienne, 3D geometric solid characterisation, 1997-2000.
Scientific animation
- 2005, GreenLab 2nd Workshop, 55 participants, Beijing June 2005
- 2004. GreenLab First Strategy Workshop, Beijing, 45 participants, October 2004
- 2003. Main board and Organiser of PMA03, The 2003' International symposium on plant growth models and their applications. Beijing, October 2003.
- 2000-2001: Organiser of several scientific animations on: freeware, plant geometry, image processing, stem modeling, models in decision support tools (agronomy), software engineering.
- Organizer of the Volume Imaging School. June 25-28th, 2001, Montpellier.
International events organisation
- ->2010. Main board and Coorganiser of LandMod2010, the 2010 International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling website. Montpellier SupAgro, February 3-5, 2010
- ->2009. Main board and Organiser of PMA09, The 2009' International symposium on plant growth models and their applications. Beijing.
- 2005. Organiser of STIC-ASIA 05 workshop October 24-26th 2005 in Beijing.
- 2003. Main board and Organiser of PMA03, The 2003' International symposium on plant growth models and their applications. Beijing.
Committees, positions
- Reviewer for Annals of Botany, Journal of Computer Sciences and Techniques, Journal of Virtual Reality (2006/2007/2010)
- Reviewer for Eurographics: EG02,EG03,EG05,EG06,EG08 Siggraph:SIG06, and other conferences (CARI00,04,08, Edutainment 08)
- Participation to LIAMA's Scientific Committee (2000 / 2001, suppliant to F. Houllier, representing CIRAD)
- Expert Member of C2I2MEAD "Environment and sustainable development" certificate definition (MEN-MESR SG/STSI)
- Registered at Eu-Cordis expert database (IST priority, and Co-operation with Asia)
- Member of the Sino-French committee for the Sino-French Centre of Sciences and Technology (February-July 2001)
- IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) member 2010
- IEEE member since 2000
Research project co-ordination or major contribution
- Agropolis Fondation RTRA (Computational Plants and eco-systems) 0902-016 Project. Co-ordinator. 2009->. VLS-LRC Virtual Landscapes in Languedoc Roussillon and Catalogna. Thematic regional network dedicated to reunforce collaborative projects on virtual landscapes and eco-systems 3D visualisations.
- Agropolis Fondation RTRA (Computational Plants and eco-systems) 0902-012 Project. Co-ordinator. 2009->. PMA09 third Interntional Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation and Applications.
- Agropolis Fondation RTRA (Computational Plants and eco-systems) 0803-021 Project. 2008->. Co-ordinator. Integrative ecosystems & landscape modelling Model level integration for understanding and managing human influenced ecosystems at the landscape scale.
- ANR/Bioenergies/Emerge, 2009->. Co-ordinator for Cirad Partner. Tals 3. Volume imaging (CT scans) and 3D reconstructions geometry analysis.
- ANR/MMSA/Project Natsim 2006-> 2008. Co-ordinator of work-package 3. Virtual landscape rendering.
- REVPE. Accepted Marie Curie OIF of Philippe Decaudin (INRIA to LIAMA, planned starting spring 2006). First Marie Curie OIF from EU to China.
- LIAMA 2001-08 Project. Advanced medical imaging methods for Hominid Morphology studies. French project co-ordinator. 2002-2003.
- Co-ordinator of the CIRAD Research Initiative Action "Methods and Software Tools for Wood Resource Evaluation". 1999-2000.
- National Project SICRODEF (Ademe funded, 1997-1999). 3D stem geometrical modelling, sawing simulation, adaptive 3D meshes for mechanics.
- EU Fair CT 1915 project STUD (FP4, 1995-1999). Contributor in Work-package 5. Resource evaluation software development and 3D image processing research developments.
- EU Fair PL project OAKKEY (FP4, 1994-1998). Co-ordinator of Work-package 4. 3D simulation and software developments.
- Main contributor in several local projects with Montpellier Hospitals (1993-1998): Embryology, Liver oncology, Wrist and Foot biometry.
- Main contributor in several local projects with University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse and Clinic Pasteur of Toulouse (1994-1998): 3D Cephalometry. Server application is installed in Toulouse (CNUT, 1996) with clients in Faculty of Dentistry and Odontology.
Running projects:
- Involved in RTRA Agropolis Fondation 0803-007 and 0803-021. (Landscape models and simulation plateforms)
- Involved in ANR/EMERGE project. Started end 2008
- Involved in ANR/3DWorlds project. Started begining 2008
- Involved in ARCUS Chongming Agropolis-Languedoc Roussillon project. Started 2007
- Involved in Teradata project (Pole de compétivité Ile de France, with Thomson, INRIA, ECP, ENSMP). Started 2007
- Involved in INRIA associate team GreenLab collaboration. Started 2004.
Products. Transfer to Industry / Research and products for Industry
Transfer to Industry
- 2003-2004. Algorithms and applications (volume image processing and rendering). Supports to Technological transfer to Trigem-Ortho. Start-up in Cap Alpha, Montpellier
- 2003-2004. Algorithms and applications (volume image processing and rendering). Supports to Technological transfer to IntraSense. Start-up in Cap Omega, Montpellier
- 1984-1990. AMAP. Plant generator and Landscape renderer. Basis of the Data structure and algorithms of the current commercial AMAP Range tools (Genesys™ and Orchestra™ ). Technological transfer to Bionatics SA.
Industry R&D projects (exclusive designer and developer):
- Lamalou (1997-1998). Design, definition and prototype realisation of a 3D prosthesis design tool. STER Clinic and AFSTR Association, Lamalou les Bains.
- Echo 3D (1996-1998). Research and development. Conception, design, realisation, documentation. 4D Doppler US reconstruction and visualisation software tool to be integrated in a PACS. Medasys Digital Systems, Gif sur Yvette.
- Carpo (1993-1997). Research and development. Fresh Mushroom X ray internal structure analyser. Conception, design, realisation and implementation of a complete solution (X-Ray devices, protocols, software, teaching): X-ray image acquisition, film development and digitalization, image processing & registration, databases and embedded queries related to culture conditions, statistical analysis, data management. France Champignon S.A., Beaufort en Vallée.
- 2005. Research co-operation MOU: Ecole Centrale de Paris - LIAMA
- 2005. Research co-operation MOU: INPT-LIAMA
- 2003. Research co-operation – industry agreement: Agreement France Telecom R&D - LIAMA
- 2003-2006: Negotiations, contracts/agreements between LIAMA and local partners: Tsinghua Press, French Embassy, Hotels, Air France
CDROM, Communication and WebSites
- CDROM. "Initiation a l'imagerie volumique". Courses, References, Tools. 2001.
- CDROM. "Computer Graphics". Courses, Tools and References 2003-2006 (annual update).
- Liama's Short news. Twice monthly letter. Designer and main redactor.
- Web sites :Conception and development
- French (native)
- English,
- German (spoken),
- Chinese (very basic notions, spoken)
References (List updated on November 14th, 2010)