The Sino-French Laboratory in Computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics             CAS - INRIA - CIRAD - CNRS - CASIA - BRGM - INRA
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Publications 2003-2004

Remote Sensing Data Fusion & Understanding. Project site :

Z.W. YU, V. Prinet, and P.X Chen, “A Novel Two–steps Strategy for Automatic GIS-Image Registration”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP04) October 2004, Singapore (to appear)

CH Pan, V.Prinet "Automatic Change Analysis from SAR images : Application to flood detection", submitted to IEEE Transaction on Remote Sensing and Geoscience, 2004

Gang WU, Chunhong PAN, Veronique PRINET, " A Land Use Classification Method Based on Region and Edge Information Fusion" , International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP04), October  2004, Singapore (to appear)

Prinet, Zhang YJ, Bai J, "Interferometry Techniques for Urban Subsidence Analysis over Beijing" , Envisat Symposium , Sept. 6-10 2004, Germany (to appear)

ZHANG Yanjie, Véronique PRINET , "InSAR Coherence Estimation", International Geosciences And Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS2004, Alaska ,USA

DUAN Jinghui, PRINET Veronique,LU  Hanqing, "Building Extraction in Urban Areas from Satellite Images using GIS Data as Prior Information" ,  International Geosciences And Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS2004, Alaska,USA

Timothée Bailloeul, Jinghui Duan, Véronique Prinet, Bruno Serra, "Urban Digital Map Updating From Satellite High Resolution Images Using GIS Data as A Priori Knowledge",   2nd GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, URBAN 2003, Berlin, Germany

Plant growth modeling, Simulation and visualisation. Project site

(pdf 2.1M) Mengzhen Kang, Philippe de Reffye, Baogang Hu, Xing Zhao, Fast Construction of Geometrical Structure of Plant with Substructures Algorithm, Journal of Image and Graphics, No. 1,Vol. 9, pp.79-86, 2004

A. Mathieu, P.H. Cournède, P. De Reffye, A dynamic model of plant growth with full retroaction between organogenesis and photosynthesis. Accepted to CARI’04, November 2004, Tunis.

Lin Wu, P.X. le Dimet, Baogang Hu, P.H. Cournède, P. De Reffye, A water supply optimization problem for Plant growth based on GreenLab model. Accepted to CARI’04, November 2004, Tunis.

Kang Mengzhen, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jonathan Leroux, P. De Reffye, Baogang Hu, Theoritical study and numerical simulation of a stochastic model for Plant growth. Accepted to CARI’04, November 2004, Tunis.

Hongping Yan, Philippe de Reffye, Chunhong Pan, Baogang Hu, Fast Construction of Plant Architecture Models Based on Substructure Decomposition, Journal of Computer Sciences and Technology, No. 6,Vol. 18, pp.780-787, 2003

Hongping Yan, Mengzhen Kang, Philippe de Reffye, Michael Dingkuhn, A dynamic, Architectural Plant Model Simulation Resource-dependent Growth, Annals of Botany, No. 93, pp.591-602, 2003

Xiaopeng Zhang, Frédéric Blaise, Interactive Visualization of Virtual Orchard, Proceeding of The Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing October 22-24, 2003, pp454-461

Xing Zhao, Philippe de Reffye, Fanun Xiong, Baogang Hu, Mengzhen Kang, Dual Scale Automata Modeling Based Simulation of Plant Anthotaxy, Journal of Computers, Vol.26 No.1, pp. 116-124, 2003.

(pdf 3.4M)Hu B.-G., De Reffye P., Zhao X., Yan H.-P., Kang M.-Z. GreenLab: Towards A New Methodology of Plant Structural- Functional Model -Structural Aspect. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 21-35.

(pdf 4.6M) P. De Reffye P., Hu B.-G. Relevant qualitative and quantitative Choices for Building an Efficient Dynamic Plant Growth Model: GreenLab Case. Invited Talk, PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp. 87-107

(pdf 1.6M) De Reffye P., Goursat M., Quadrat J.P., Hu B.-G. The Dynamic Equations of the Tree Morphogenesis GreenLab Model. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 108-117

(pdf 1.8M) Yan H.-P., De Reffye P., Leroux J., Hu B.-G. Study on Plant Growth Behaviors Simulated by the Functional-structural Plant Model-GreenLab. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 118-127

(pdf 1.9M) Zhao X., De Reffye P., Barthelemy D., Hu B.-G. Interactive Simulation of Plant Architecture Based on a Dual-Scale Automaton Model. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 144-153.

(pdf 6.3M) Kang M.-Z., De Reffye P., Barczi J.-F., Hu B.-G., Houllier F. Stochastic 3D Tree Simulation using Substructure Instancing. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 154-168.

(pdf 2.9M) Zhan Z.-G., De Reffye P., Houllier F., Hu B.-G. Fitting a Structural-Functional Model with Plant Architectural Data. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 236-249

(pdf 2.3M) Dong Q.-X., Wang Y.-M., Barczi J.F., De Reffye P., Hou J.-L. Study on Modeling Tomato Growth Based on interaction of Its Structure-Function. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 250-262

(pdf 2.5M) Jaeger M., Teng J. Tree and Plant Volume imaging. An introductive study towards voxelized functional landscapes. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 169-181.

(pdf 2.7M) Guo Y., De Reffye P., Song Y.-H., Zhan Z.-G., Li B.-G., Dingkuhn M. Modeling of Biomass Acquisition and Biomass Partitioning in the Architecture of Sunflower. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 271-284.

(pdf 2.2M) Wu L., de Reffye P., Le Dimet F.X., Hu B.-G. Maize fruit sink reference based on GreenLab Model. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 285-295

(pdf 1.6M) Zhang B.-G., De Reffye P., Liu L., Kang M.-Z., Li B.-G. Analysis and modelling of the root system architecture of winter wheat seedlings. PMA03 proceedings, Beijing, Oct 13-16, 2003, pp 321-328.

PMA03 Proceedings (Preface,pdf 0.5M). Baogang Hu, Marc Jaeger, Eds. Plant Growth modeling and Applications, Proceedings of PMA03 2003’ International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and their Applications. Beijing, China October 13-16, 2003. Tsinghua University Press - Springer. ISBN 7 – 302-07140-3/Q 33, October 1st 2003, Beijing, 435 p

Wang Jiang, Hu Baogang, Teng Jun, Jaeger Marc. Virtual Plant Organ Modeling Software based on GreenLab Model. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Image and Graphics. October 2003, Shanghai. China (in chinese) Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 8A, spec. 2003, p. 847-851 (in chinese, english abstract)

Computer Graphics

Jianfei LIU, Xiaopeng ZHANG, Frédéric BLAISE, Distance Contained Skeleton for Virtual Endoscopy, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2004, pp. 261-264, Arlington, Virginia, USA, April 15-18, 2004.

Jianfei LIU, Xiaopeng ZHANG, Frédéric BLAISE, Distance Contained Skeleton for Volume Reconstruction, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2004), January 28 - 30, 2004, Jeju, Korea.

(pdf 0.8M) Dong Wei, Liu Jinyi, Marc Jaeger, Zhu Qizhi, Du Xiangke. Reconstruction and remedy of Virtual 3D Images of Fossils. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Beijing. China Ocean Press, 175, 181, 2004. (In Chinese with English abstract).

(pdf 4.1M) Cai ZhiFeng, Lu Hanqing, Jaeger Marc. Deformable Image Matching using Hybrid Elastic Models. Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 8, No 7, Jul 2003, p. 753-758 (in chinese, english abstract) .

Scilab Scilab pages (Chinese)

"SCILAB", by HU Baogang, ZHAO Xing, and KANG Mengzhen. 264 pages, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2003.

LIAMA phase II projects

Turbulences (project 97-03)

Cui Guixiang , Haibing Zhou and Zhaoshun Zhang, Liang Shao 2004 A dynamic subgrid eddy viscosity model with application to turbulent channel flow.  Physics of Fluids  16:2835-2842 (SCI-836AY)

Cui GX, Zhou HB and Zhang ZS and L. Shao  2004 New subgrid model for LES and its application. Journal of Computational Physics. 21(3):289-293 (In Chinese with English abstract) EI :04358329799

Cui GX, Xu CX and Zhang ZS  Progress in Large Eddy Simulation  of turbulent flows. 2004  Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 22 (2):121-129 (in Chinese with English abstractチiEI- 4378355491チj

Zhang ZS, Cui Guixiang and L. Shao New subgrid model for LES (Invited Lecture) 2004, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics 20-23 July 2004 Dalian, China p22-29

Cui GX, Zhou HB and Xu CX 2004 Subgrid eddy diffusivity for scalar turbulence 2004 Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics 20-23 July 2004 Dalian, China p174-177

Zhang ZS, Cui GX and L. Shao 2004 Subgrid modeling with Kolmogorov equation for Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence mdeling: Art of Science. A symposium in honor of Professor Jean Mathieu on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 14-15 June 2004

Zhang XH, I. Vinkovic, Z.B. Dong, H.T. Wang and M. Ayrault 2004 Experimental and numerical determination of solid saltating particle dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics 20-23 July 2004 Dalian, China p 475-478

L. Shao, Cui GX and Zhang ZS 2004 Subgrid siffusivity derived from Monin-Yaglom equation for large eddy simulation. 10th European Turbulence Confernce, 29 June-2 July 2004, Trondheim, Norway

Cui GX, Zhou HB, Xu CX, Zhang ZS and L. Shao 2004 New subgrid eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity models. 10th European Turbulence Confernce, 29 June-2 July 2004, Trondheim, Norway

Zhou Haibing, Cui Guixiang, Xu Chunxiao and Zhang Zhaoshun  2003 Thin layer structure of dissipation rate of scalar turbulence. Science in China 46(2):209-217 (SCI-659RR)

Haibing Zhou, Guixiang Cui, Chunxiao Xu, Zhaoshun Zhang 2003 Transportation properties of scalar turbulence at different molecular Prandtl numbers. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai 25-27 June

L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, Cui GX, Zhou HB and Zhang ZS 2003 Kolmogorov equation for large eddy simulation and its use for subgrid modeling ERCOFTAC Workshop, Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 27-29 August 2003 Munich, Germany

Cui GX, Zhou HB, Zhang ZSチCShao L 2003 A new subgrid eddy viscosity model with application to turbulent channel flow.  Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer p491-496 Antalya, Turkey, 12-17 October 

Zhang XH, Xu CX, Zhang ZS, S. Serge and M. Ayrualt 2003 Experimental study on the passive scalar diffusion in shearless mixing layer. Experiments and Measurements in Fluid Mechanics 17(4):22 (in Chinese with English abstract, EI-04088029117)

Zhou HB, Cui GX, Xu CX, Zhang ZS and L. Shao 2003 Transportation properties of scalar turbulence at different molecular Prandtl numbers Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Sendai, Japan, 25-27 June 2003, p323-328

I. Vincovic, M. Ayrault, Guo Y. Cui GX and Zhang ZS 2003 A stochastic model for the saltation and suspension transportation. Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow

Non linear Pde (Project 97-02)

Zhong-Ci Shi, and Xuejun Xu, A V-cycle multigrid for quadrilateral rotated
Q1 element with numerical integration, J. Comput. Math. 21(2003), 545-554.

Xuejun Xu, A Janka, and J.A. Desideri, Cascadic multigrid for the convection diffusion equation, INRIA report, RR-4574, 2003.

Traffic surveillance (Project 01-01)

Youfu Wu and J. Shen, Moving object detection using orthogonal Gaussian-Hermite moments, Proc. of IS&T/SPIE 16th Annual Symposium: Electronic Imaging, visual Communications and Image Processing”, (accepted) USA, Jan. 2004.

Intelligent wheel chair (Project 01-03)

Y.C. Wei, T.N. Tan, Y.H. Wang, "Head Pose Localization Based on Multi-cue Fusion," Proc.IEEE ICIP2003, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.

C. Zhou, Y.C. Wei, T.N. Tan, "Mobile Robot Self-localization Based on Global Visual Appearance Features," IEEE ICRA2003, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003.

Y.C. Wei, T.N. Tan, Y.H. Wang, "Probabilistic Head Pose Localization Based on Multi-cue Fusion," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing.

Caifeng Shan, Yucheng Wei, Tieniu Tan, Frédéric Ojardias, “A Mean Shift Based Particle Filter For Real Time Hand Tracking”, FG2004.

Energy shape control (project 02-05)

Ortega, R., van der Schaft, A.J., Maschke, B.M.,  Escobar, G. ``Stabilization of port--controlled Hamiltonian systems via energy--balancing," in the book Stability and stabilization of nonlinear systems, LNCIS Vol.246, eds. D. Aeyels, F. Lamnabhi--Lagarrigue and A. van der Schaft, Springer--Verlag, London, 1999.

Galaz, M., Ortega, R., Bazanella, A.  Stankovic, A. ``An Energy--Shaping Approach to Excitation Control of Synchronous Generators," Automatica, Vol. 39, 1, pp. 111-119, January, 2003.

T. Shen, R. Ortega, Q. Lu, S. Mei and K. Tamura: Adaptive disturbance attenuation of Hamiltonian systems with parametric perturbations and application to power systems, Asian J of Control, Vol. 5, Nol. 1, March, 2003.

Y. Sun, T. Shen, R. Ortega and Q. Liu: Decentralized controller design for multimachine power systems based on Hamiltonian structure, IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Maui, USA Dec. 4--7, 2003.

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