Home Advanced Program Tutorial session Call for papers Exhibition Paper submission Local information Registration News Contact LIAMA. Feb. 2003
Wellcome to PMA03' Home Page CALL FOR PAPERS PMA03 Call (Text version) Advanced Program Invited Talks NEW LOCAL INFORMATION Arrival (pdf) Maps (pdf) PMA03: An unique event of multdisciplinary exchanges for all scientists and industrialists concerned with plant architecture and functioning modeling, simulation and their applications in biology, agronomy, environmental sciences, teaching and multimedia. Tutorial sessions, Lectures, and Exhibition Early registration fees until September 20th   -> Fill the intention Form from Now PMA03 is organized by: LIAMA: The Sino-French joint Laboratory In Computer Science, Control And Applied Mathematics CAU :ChinaAgricultural University With supports of CAS, CIRAD , INRA, INRIA, French Embassy in Beijing, EU, IEEE, ERCIM, NSFC