PMA09: The Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications - Beijing (CHINA), Nov. 09-13, 2009



Call for Papers

Event Topics

Scientific Committee

Symposium Program






Previous Events

PMA03 , PMA06

Symposium Objectives.

  • PMA09 is the third International Symposium in the series Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications after PMA03 and PMA06 both held in Beijing, China, in 2003 and 2006.

  • PMA09 is addressed to Plant Biologists, Mathematicians and Computer Scientists with an interest in Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and their Applications in Plant and Crop Sciences, Forestry, Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Ecology and Virtual Reality. This international event provides an excellent opportunity to foster scientific and technical exchanges in a multi-disciplinary subject area, and will also allow the building of bridges between different scientific communities. Integration of fundamental knowledge on Plant Structure and Function in Mathematical Models and Computer Tools will be an important issue of this Symposium. Presentation of applications at different spatial and temporal scales is also highly encouraged.

  • PMA09 is organized by Chinese and French Institutions and is open to international scientists and students interested in Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications. The event is supported by an International Scientific Committee.

  • PMA09 will take place in Beijing, China, November 09-13, 2009. The symposium will include invited talks, oral presentations, poster sessions, software demonstrations and tutorials.

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